Arcadia Oaks-pedia

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Arcadia Oaks-pedia
Arcadia Oaks-pedia


"Jim, if you fancy Miss Nunez, I submit that talking to will be much more effective than staring at."

"I believe the amulet has found its champion."

"It's a great honor that you've been chosen to wield this mantle. I've no doubt that you'll prove equal to the task."

"Atlas, too, carried the weight of the world on his shoulders"

"War is constant chaos.The winner will be the one who controls the chaos, both his own and his enemy's."

"Please, my friends call me Walt."

"It seems we each have somethingthe other wants."

"What do you think?Good look for picture day?"

"Si te preocupas por tu madre, no pelees. Siempre fuiste mi favorito".

"If you care about your mother, don't fight it.You were always my favorite."

"Yo controlo el caos"."Te daré una A por esfuerzo, ¡pero vas a reprobar este examen!""Me decepcionaste, y cuando tenía tantas esperanzas para ti"."¡Nada puede detener su regreso!""Eres un perro, y esta es tu correa"."Digamos que siempre busco mis mejores intereses"."Si puedo. Hay un vasto mundo debajo de nuestros pies, Bárbara, y tu hijo ha provocado un montón de problemas"."You don't understand. Our lives are bound magically.""Haven't I redeemed myself?""You kept your word. And after everything I've done.Once again, you've proved why you are...the hero, and I am...""Your idealism is nearly contagious.""Save the children? Yes, if you rescue my familiar, then I'll be trapped in my troll form forever.""You may not believe me, Young Atlas.... but I do wish you luck and hope we meet again one day.""Jim is a good kid, but a good kid can't kill Gunmar.""I want teach you tell you, but you're so blind to the truth""Then kill me, or I shall kill you, ending this charade once and for all!""You've proven yourself too, Young Atlas. There is hope for you yet.""¡Barbara siempre me llama 'Walter', Usurna !""Lo siento, Barbara. Mayo del mundo, perdóname, porque sin ti, no es ningún mundo.""¡No mires, Barbara! ¡Mira hacia otro lado!""Joven Atlas, no estás solo. ¡No hagas esto! ¡Abre la puerta!""No, los Changelings cambian de troll a humano"."Me tomó años manejar las diversas emociones de troll o humano, pero nunca tuve que lidiar con ambos a la vez"."Sin embargo, me he equivocado antes. ¿Qué es lo que sé sobre el ser humano?"


"Excuse me! Coming through!"
