Arcadia Oaks-pedia

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Arcadia Oaks-pedia
Arcadia Oaks-pedia

Jim Lake Jrcreated a journal in which he placed all of his most important information that he learned during his career as a hunter.


You have been chosen. 

I was a normal fifteen-year-old until the Amulet called to me. Then I discovered the secret world of Trolls. For centuries Heartstone Trollmarket has been defended by a champion called the Trollhunter. Now that mantle falls to me. I wield the Sword of Daylight to protect Trolls and humans alike from the evil Gumm-Gumm Army who aim to rise out of their prison and destroy us all. 

If you are reading this, I need your help. This book explains everything. It is your guide to Heartstone Trollmarket, to the Darklands, to the secrets I’ve kept hidden. With it you can—and must—become a Trollhunter. Unless you are a student at Arcadia Oaks High, in which case I made this up for a school project… 

—Jim Lake Jr.



