Arcadia Oaks-pedia

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Arcadia Oaks-pedia
Arcadia Oaks-pedia
Stricklander: While you might have this Draal in your basement, I have an Antramonstrum in my office.
Jim: A what?
Stricklander: Oh, it's just a vaporous creature. Dormant until disturbed, shockingly fierce, and excellent at erasing sneaky-snakes.
―Stricklander explaining what an Antramonstrum is[src]

Antramonstrums are vaporous creatures that essentially act like guard dogs.


Antramonstrums are shockingly fierce and excellent at "erasing sneaky snakes". Lying dormant in a cluster of purple crystals until disturbed, it viciously attacks intruders and apparently leaves no trace of any being unfortunate enough to be enveloped in its foggy form.

Stricklander utilized one to guard his office, and later to make Principal Levit "disappear" so he could take Levit's job. You cannot see the scene, but you can hear the screams of Principal Levit and the laughter of Stricklander.

Physical Description[]

In its dormant form, it lies within a purple crystal.

When released it's a large, foggy creature continuously emanating tiny electric bolts from its body.

Powers & Abilities[]

Antramonstrums are able to completely disintegrate anything in their path.


As unstoppable as they are, Antramonstrums are not exactly intelligent as they lack a brain.


Appearances in the Trilogy


Part One[]

Part Three[]


  • Antramonstrums are very similar to the Mutradi storm monster from Cartoon Network's Sym-Bionic Titan.