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Age of the Amulet is the fourth novel of the Trollhunters book series written by Richard Ashley Hamilton. It was released on June 26th, 2018 by Simon Spotlight.


A Trollhunters time-travel adventure!

Jim travels back in time and encounters Gogun the Guardian, hailed as the bravest Trollhunter who ever lived. However, Jim is shocked to discover that Gogun is inept, unskilled, and terrified of everything and everyone. Jim knew when he was chosen as Trollhunter he would have to save mankind in the present, but he never realized he was responsible for the past as well. The fate of the world is a lot of responsibility for a sixteen-year-old—but luckily Jim is up to the task; as long as he’s home in time for dinner.



  • Seeing Red - Tellad-Urr despises his role as Trollhunter since no one cares about him; only what he can do for them. While on the surface, Orlagk of the Gumm-Gumms attacks him, breaking off one of his horns. He leaves Tellad-Urr there, snidely saying he would much rather enjoy seeing him suffer than kill him. Suddenly Gunmar approaches him, offering a red stone and suggesting it as a way for the Trollhunter to escape the chains of Merlin. Tellad-Urr places it in his amulet.


  1. Kitchen Confidential - Strickler and Nomura are in Jim’s home and he orders them out. They attack him without warning and he barely manages to fend them off. Strickler points out that now that Gunmar is on the surface, he won’t send a single assailant at a time after Jim. The Trollhunter reluctantly admits they’re right and promises to discuss their offer of help with them soon. He gets an SOS text from Toby.
  2. Herding Cats - Steve and Eli unsuccessfully attempt to ambush Jim, Claire and Toby outside a warehouse, demanding answers about the trolls. They go inside to see all of Trollmarket hiding from Gunmar, who has taken over their home. The Creepslayerz accidentally knock into a stack of boxes and damage a kairosect, which begins emitting strange green energy. When Claire tries to send it away with a portal, the two energies combine and pull Team Trollhunters through.
  3. Clonk-Donk - Jim and the others find themselves in rural countryside, and Blinky identifies it as the moors of England where he was born, finally determining they are sometime in the past. They find a village but the people are naturally suspicious of humans and trolls traveling together. Jim tries to summon his armor but it dissipates. An explosion rings out and Binky stares in horror at a figure in blood-red armor he calls Tellad-Urr the Terrible.
  4. Creeped Out - The trolls blame Steve and Eli for their heroes vanishing. Steve blames the kairosect and kicks it, resulting in a new portal that spits out five figures. They turn out to be trolls from the past, including Vendel’s grandfather, Kilfred. Though baffled at the apparent time travel, Kilfred takes charge of the leaderless trolls and states he will restore them to their former glory–beginning by eating Steve and Eli.
  5. A Tale of Two Amulets - Claire remembers that in troll history, Tellad-Urr was defeated by Gogun the Gentle. Jim can’t stand by and watch so he goes to confront him, only for his amulet to remain dead. As Tellad-Urr grabs him by the throat, Jim’s amulet starts siphoning energy from the other. The evil Trollhunter uses the Aspectus stone to make copies of himself and attacks them, stealing Clair’s staff and throwing her into her own half-formed portal.
  6. Mazes & Monsters - Steve and Eli take off running through the warehouse, NotEnrique tagging along. They hide in a crate and the trolls run past them, some suddenly remembering that they made a pact not to eat humans. Kilfred orders them to take him to Arcadia. The Creepslayerz arm themselves with assorted objects they find in the crates and NotEnrique tells them to stay put while he gets real help. They ignore him.
  7. Lost and Found and Lost Again - Claire manages to find her way through the Shadow Realm to Jim, but the others are captured by Tellad-Urr. They hide under a bridge as Tellad-Urr’s copies carry metal from the village. An elderly River troll is already hiding there, absolutely terrified of everything. He tells them his name is Gogun.
  8. Battlefield Arcadia - Kilfred has the trolls damage random property in Arcadia. From under cover Steve throws what he thinks is a smoke bomb to distract them, but it turns out to be a dwarkstone grenade. Kilfred accuses the humans of attacking and tells the trolls they will retaliate. NotEnrique arrives with Strickler and Nomura.
  9. Not-So-Great Gronka Morka - Toby, Blinky and Aaarrrgghh!!! are thrown into a cell in Trollmarket. The other trolls tell him they were imprisoned for not attacking villages. Blinky takes some of the wires from Toby’s braces to pick the lock on their cell. When the trolls bow down in thanks, he accidentally says “Great Gronka Morka”, which they all begin to call him. His plan is to sneak into the Trollmarket vault, hoping to find another kairosect.
  10. Gogun Wept - Jim tries to give his amulet to Gogun over and over, but he only cries that he doesn’t want to die. When they ask him what he does want, he says he wants to dance, then he does so… poorly. He watches as Jim is concerned for Claire’s health, reminding him of a lady troll he loved. Gogun accepts to learn and they spend the day training. By nightfall they approach the Trollmarket hill, only to see Tellad-Urr emerge from a shadow portal and meet both Gunmar and Bular.
  11. Dorkstone Grenades - Strickler volunteers to handle questions from the police and fire department as they show up to deal with the dwarkstone fire, then all the troll gear is taken from Eli and Steve, including Blinky’s glamour mask. But Eli puts on a grit-shaka and suddenly begins calling himself Romeo, saying he’ll take care of the troll menace.
  12. Heavy Metal - Tellad-Urr gives Gunmar newly-forged weapons made from metal stolen from humans. Gogun mills in with other troll slaves, smuggling Jim and Claire into Trollmarket. They find Blinky, Aaarrrgghh!!! and the other freed trolls, but Gogun is gone when they turn to introduce him.
  13. Wherefore Art Thou, Romeo? - With the others chasing him, Eli uses logic to locate Trollmarket and opens the door. They creep past Gumm-Gumms and reach the Hero’s Forge. Eli walks confidently into the open and challenges Gunmar, insulting him and boasting of a troll army on the surface. Strickler throws a feather dart that breaks the grit-shaka’s cord, leaving Eli with no idea why he’s standing in the shadow of the largest troll in the world.
  14. Merlin's Mistake - Team Trollhunters enter the vault and locate a kairosect as well as the warhammer, but Tellad-Urr arrives with Gogun as his prisoner. He rants about the curse of the amulet being one of neverending toil with no hope for peace, even into old age. Jim begs him not to give up, and just when it seems like they’re getting through to him, he tears off a huge chunk of the wall and throws it at them.
  15. Mess With the Troll, Get the Horns - Screaming, Eli flees the Hero’s Forge only to find himself surrounded by hundreds of Gumm-Gumms. Steve, NotEnrique, Strickler and Nomura throw dwarkstone grenades to protect him. Nomura hesitates when she sees Draal under the influence of the Decimaar Blade. They escape on the gyre.
  16. Clash of the Gumm-Gumms - Team Trollhunters wakes up on the surface, unscathed thanks to Claire snatching her shadow staff during the earlier scuffle. They watch two Gumm-Gumm armies face off in the valley below. Tellad-Urr drags Gogun in chains onto the battlefield, straight for Orlagk. He abandons his fight with Orlagk to confront Jim who used the distraction to free Gogun. Tellad-Urr asks why Jim risks himself over and over for the weak, but Jim only says he never needed the amulet to tell him what’s right. Finally the Trollhunter tears the red gem from his amulet, only to be killed by Bular.
  17. It's Been Educational - The gyre with changelings and Creepslayerz emerges in the woods. They hear the school bell ringing and hurry there to find Kilfred and the other trolls roaming the halls. Some capture the changelings, but suddenly Gunmar appears. Seeing the tyrant and the rising sun, the trolls are left with only one option: flee to the woods through Strickler’s secret tunnel in his office. Gunmar removes a glamour mask and turns out to be Eli.
  18. The White Knight - Gogun picks up the amulet but it doesn’t respond to him. Instead all its energy rushes toward Jim, creating the sword and shield of Starlight. He is forced to fight both Bular and Orlagk at the same time. Pressed to the limits, Jim barely lasts long enough for Orlagk’s trolls to capture Bular. During the reprieve, he thinks about Orlagk’s daughter and how she died, but as he begins to warn Orlagk about Gunmar he is headbutted. His armor dissipates and Orlagk laughs at the sight of a weak human. Before he can kill Jim, Gogun knocks him out with a single punch, clad in Daylight armor. Team Trollhunters manage to replicate the same fluke that sent them into the past.


  • One for the History Books... - On their return, Kilfred and his companions are sucked back to their time. They all return to their respective homes and jobs, though Nomura does notice a tapestry from the Dark Ages with a small image of a white knight battling two monsters. In the past, Orlagk returns to his camp only to be attacked by Gunmar and Bular, his death witnessed by his daughter, Skarlagk. From the Void, Tellad-Urr and Gogun watch events, wondering if Jim may give in to darker impulses. But Gogun insists Jim’s heart is his strength, guiding him even when the amulet would not.


Books Index[]

Age of the Amulet


Trollhunters A Brief Recapitulation of Troll Lore Volume 48 Jim Lake Jr.'s Survival Guide
The Adventure Begins Welcome to the Darklands The Book of Ga-Huel Age of the Amulet The Way of the Wizard Angor Reborn Arcadia-Con
The Secret History of Trollkind The Felled The Art of Trollhunters


