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Arcadia Oaks-pedia
Arcadia Oaks-pedia
Becoming Part 1- The amulet begins to move again
This article contains canon information corresponding to the Tales of Arcadia franchise. That means all information in this article is true and has appeared/been validated officially on-screen.
The fates of Earth and Akiridion-5 both come down to this. The Eli Pepperjack, you're our only hope.
―Aja to Eli

Dogfight Days of Summer is the third episode of Part Two of 3Below and the sixteenth episode of the series.

Official Synopsis

With General Morando's invasion of Earth imminent, Krel tries to stop the fleet's advance with unwitting help from the kids of Arcadia.





  • Morando is temporarily grounded on Akiridion-5 by Eli Pepperjack.
  • Eli gains respect from the Resistance.
    • It is also revealed that he is allergic to avocados.
  • Krel invents new and improved serrators that allow him, Aja, and Varvatos to change their forms at will.
  • Detective Scott unintentionally foreshadows Wizards when explaining to Varvatos that "... ever since trolls literally surfaced in this town, everyone's got a theory on what's next. Vampires, wizards. My own daughter thinks the Billycraggle is real."
  • A blue Vespa 300 GTS Super can be seen in the magazine Detective Scott is reading while talking to Varvatos.
  • The featured quote includes a likely allusion to the famed line "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope." from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
    • This is lampshaded by Eli himself when he responds "I know I'm the last hope. I've seen the movies."


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Arcadia Oaks-pedia has a collection of images and media related to Dogfight Days of Summer which can be found at Dogfight Days of Summer/Gallery.