Bellroc, Keeper of the Flame was the main antagonist of the Tales of Arcadia franchise, serving as one of the two unseen overarching antagonists of Trollhunters (alongside King Arthur), an unseen antagonist of 3Below, one of the two main antagonists in Wizards (alongside Skrael), and the main antagonist of Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans.
They were the main leader of the Arcane Order, the sibling of Skrael and Nari, and the archenemy of Jim Lake Jr. after Gunmar's demise.
Bellroc was born/created many eons ago and founded the Arcane Order alongside their companions, Skrael and Nari. The three of them created the universe, and by extension, the Earth, with the Titans being used as their handmaidens. With Skrael and Nari, Bellroc maintained the balance between magic and mortals for many millennia until they grew disillusioned with humanity's violence towards magical creatures. They started to undertake several plans to destroy humanity for good.
Bellroc, Skrael, and Nari resurrected Morgana le Fay after she was killed by Arthur and told her to be their champion. Bellroc succeeded in killing King Arthur at the Battle of Killahead but had their eyes sliced by Merlin's first Trollhunter, Deya, after they tried to attack her .
When Morgana failed her role in their original plot, Bellroc and Skrael decided to destroy the universe and remake the planet instead by destroying the Genesis Seals and unleashing the Titans upon the world, using the Titans to connect with the last primordial Heartstone beneath the center of the universe. This led to Nari's defection from the Order, so Bellroc and Skrael resurrected the very king they sought to kill to fill up Nari's role, the Green Knight.
Wizards (Limited Series)[]
Bellroc first appeared in the invasion of Camelot, attacking it with fire spells. After the time-traveling heroes returned to the present, the Green Knight captured the corrupted Trollhunter, Jim Lake Jr., and used his amulet to resurrect Morgana from the Shadow Realm (much to her dismay). After learning of Morgana's renunciation to the Guardians of Arcadia, they follow the reformed witch to Hex Tech, where they ambush the heroes and capture them (minus Krel).
They were later defeated by Douxie when they fought with him for Nari and the Genesis Seals. With the Seals in their possession, the Order must find Nari if they are to break them and unleash raw magic upon the world. Bellroc manages to find Douxie and Nari blending in an unknown city.
Rise of the Titans[]
Bellroc, along with Skrael, intercepted the Guardians of Arcadia inside a train in order to capture Nari. Jim, Claire and Douxie attempted to fight the two of them off but were unsuccessful and Nari was captured. However, Douxie performed a transmogrification spell and exchanged his soul with Nari's. However, Bellroc soon uncovered this subterfuge and forcibly exchanged their souls again, but not before Nari left the Guardians a message.
Bellroc then unlocked the Genesis Seals along with their brethren and roused the Titans. Bellroc then mounted their Titan, located on the South China Sea, and marched to the center of the universe, Arcadia Oaks, to set the world anew. However, the Guardians intercepted them at Arcadia, seeking to stop them after learning that Bellroc alone could also destroy the world. But Bellroc was too powerful for them, and easily threw the Guardians off their Titan. At length, only Jim remained, and Bellroc subdued him too in a hand-to-hand battle. They then told Jim to go and embrace his loved ones for the last time, but Jim refused and started fighting Bellroc again, eventually slicing their staff in half. Toby then brought the Trifurcate Radiation Blaster in Bellroc's vicinity and robbed them of their magic. Jim was then able to destroy Bellroc once and for all by slicing their chest with Excalibur. They came plummeting off the Fire Titan before exploding into lava.
Physical Description[]
Bellroc was an androgynous being, with a shifting voice sounding at times male and female. They were tall in height with ash-grey skin, short red hair with bangs with a long, thick bang tail that is tied with of a golden ornament/accessory, reddish yellow eyes with a black eyeliner and tattoos on their face resembling traditional Inuit tattoos. They seemingly had strongly built thighs, their cheekbones being well-shaped. Despite having a strong build, their arms and waist were slim. After Callista blinded Bellroc's main eyes during the Battle of Killahead Bridge, they wore a black blindfold with red linings. After awakening the Fire Titan, Bellroc’s eyes glowed bright orange.
Bellroc wore a large cape of black feathers, with red wooden pauldrons on each shoulder, which included eyes of yellow sclera with a blue circle and red iris, those eyeballs included eyeliners. The eyes on the pauldrons moved wherever Bellroc's sight is at and were used as Bellroc's secondary pair of eyes. They wore a rustic-metallic chest plate carved to look like a nose and mouth, and the mouth would open depending on the position Bellroc was in.
On their head, Bellroc wore a large skull of a horned, bird-like dragon creature, and wore many small bones on their neck. Under those small bones were a golden neck piece that covered almost every inch of their neck. They had big golden circled earrings. Their forearms were wrapped in gauze, and they wore a large beaded bracelet on their left wrist. Bellroc wore black pants with a belt with attachments resembling Fulu, and large golden rings with red wooden attachments placed under the ring were adorned on the side of between their waist and thighs, and walked barefoot.
Bellroc was a hateful and despicable demigod, who was cruel and merciless in their actions. They despised humanity and believed that humans cannot right their wrongdoings, primarily because they saw humanity's corruption and thus sought to protect the balance between humankind and magic. However, this was only by their own twisted standards as their version of the balance was that magic would overthrow humankind as the dominant force, and plus, only bring misery and calamity instead of true balance. It was because of this that Nari tried to convince them and Skrael to change because the pain and suffering were never worth it, but neither of them ever listened to her about their motives nor acknowledged the result of their actions. This showed how hypocritical and self-righteous Bellroc's ambitions truly were as they accused humanity of being corrupt, even though they were both corrupt themselves.
Skrael and Bellroc were also manipulative towards Morgana, claiming that she was the Arcane Order's "champion" when she was really used as their pawn so they could get what they wanted, and even killing King Arthur in front of her, completing her descent into darkness. When they and Skrael summoned Morgana from the Shadow Realm after she failed to play her part in their plan, they berated her for never finishing her purpose to fix their balance, so they wanted to use the Genesis Seals to unleash uncontrollable magic to destroy the entire universe, which would include not only humanity, but also the magical and extraterrestrial beings living in it, and then remake the Earth in their own image.
Bellroc was also completely selfish, truly caring about no one but themself and not even the well-being of other magical creatures, which was shown through their treatment of Morgana. It was also shown when they outright attacked Deya and told her that her purpose as the Trollhunter meant nothing to the Arcane Order, even though Deya was a troll (a type of magical creature). Bellroc also showed sociopathic signs, as shown when they got furious with Skrael torturing Steve. This was only because Skrael was interrupting their monologue towards Douxie and Merlin, not for Steve's well-being at all. It was unlikely that they cared about Skrael or Nari's deaths, and only wanted the world to be made in their idea of what it should've been.
In contrast to Skrael, Bellroc was so impulsive to the point that they decided to intervene in the Battle of Killahead Bridge despite the former's warnings, foreshadowing them getting their main eyes sliced out by Deya. They also preferred to set fire to buildings, as they did in GDT Arcane Books because it helped them feel calmer and think up another plan to destroy the universe. Bellroc could, at times, be reckless and would cause damage without a care in the world. They would throw things, set objects on fire, make buildings (and any surrounding structures) explode, and leave places burning when they lost their temper.
They also had a shade of sadism, though it was not as extreme as Skrael's. While fighting Jim, their sadism was only meant to break his spirit so that he wouldn't even try to stop them, taunting him that he is nothing without the Amulet of Daylight (which they destroyed themself) and called him powerless without it, treating him like a helpless little boy, and took their time torturing him.
Despite this, Bellroc seemed to have an extremely small amount of compassion, as shown when they advised Jim to spend time with his loved ones before they remade the world as their own. However, it wasn't truly genuine since this was only to goad Jim into giving up as they were mere seconds away from connecting to the Heartstone, suggesting it was all he could do at that point. It is heavily implied that they were going to kill Jim anyway without letting him return to his loved ones, as when Jim says that he will still fight them, Bellroc mocked him about dying alone before claiming that he was unable to be a hero without armor or an amulet. After they stabbed him, they simply resumed what they'd been doing previously.
Powers & Abilities[]
- Magic: Being a sort of demigod, Bellroc was among one of the most powerful magical beings in existence, rivaled by their siblings, Skrael and Nari, as well as Merlin and Morgana. After exposing themself to the raw magics of the Genesis Seals, Bellroc's fire magic was supercharged to near-omnipotence as they were able to effortlessly knock every single hero off of their titan with no problem.
- Pyromancy: As the Keeper of the Flame, Bellroc's magic was primarily fire-based. They could create jets of fire and fireballs powerful enough to incinerate almost anything.
- Fire Propulsion: When enraged, Bellroc could use their fire to propel themself and Skrael into the air at great speed.
- Fire Augmentation: Bellroc was able to increase the amount of fire they created and increase the strength of their staff's power.
- Fire Breath: When their magic was enhanced by the Seals, Bellroc was able to breathe fire strong enough to break through Douxie's shield and blast him right off their Titan.
- Pyroportation: Bellroc was able to teleport anywhere with their fire magic.
- Fire/Heat Immunity: Bellroc was immune to natural fire (including their own).
- Lavamancy: Along with their fire magic, Bellroc could also control and generate lava.
- Magma Creation: As shown in Rise of the Titans, Bellroc was able to summon enough lava to melt an entire subway car while dueling Jim, Claire, and Douxie.
- Molten Rock Control: Bellroc was able to control and remove solid rock from their own Fire Titan, which they used to knock Aja off her hoverboard and flip Krel straight off the Titan by just waving their staff.
- Resurrection: Bellroc, along with their fellow Arcane Order members, could resurrect other beings.
- Levitation: Bellroc was able to use their magic to fly, and even their fire magic for propulsion in order to fly faster.
- Brainwashing: Bellroc was able to brainwash others to force them into their service by using a spell on them to make them do their dirty work alongside them. They were able to brainwash Nari into turning back to the side of evil and unlock the Genesis Seals, in which Nari remained under that state until Douxie broke the spell.
- Telekinesis: Bellroc was able to restrain Nari, blast Varvatos straight off their Titan, and lift/slam Jim into a brief submission in a form of red cuffs and orange field around them.
- Force Field: While charged by the Fire Titan, Bellroc's force field was impenetrable enough to protect them from Krel's, Claire's, Douxie's, and Aja's attacks simultaneously while never showing any strain.
- Transmogrification Severing: With Skrael, they were able to break Douxie's spell on Nari and restore them both to their original bodies.
- Longevity/Immortality: As a sort of demigod, Bellroc once mentioned that they had existed on Earth since the beginning of time.
- Pyromancy: As the Keeper of the Flame, Bellroc's magic was primarily fire-based. They could create jets of fire and fireballs powerful enough to incinerate almost anything.
- Combatant: Bellroc was a capable fighter, especially when teamed up with Skrael. Even without their magic and main eyes, they were able to completely overcome Jim Lake Jr. (at least until he finally received his Magiktech Armor).
- Blindsight: Despite their main eyes being blinded by Deya, Bellroc was able to use their second eyes to see their surroundings without slowing down. After being charged by the Seals, Bellroc regained their main eyes.
- Knowledge of Arcane Arts: It can be assumed that Bellroc was knowledgeable in various magical arts and ancient lore, making them a formidable opponent in magical battles, especially magical battles.
- Trifurcate Radiation: When blasted by Krel's trifurcate blaster, Bellroc's magic was rendered completely nullified, leaving them powerless.
- Titan Link: Bellroc was naturally linked to their Fire Titan and both could not thrive without the other, and would even feel the same pain inflicted on their Titan. When their Titan's bat arm got blasted off by the Gun Robot Megasuit, Bellroc briefly felt pain (though they did not lose their actual arm), but did nothing but stagger and then destroyed the robot before continuing onward. In the end, when Bellroc's magic was nullified by anti-magic energy, the Titan lost its power as well and was unable to unite itself with the Heartstone, and the Fire Titan collapsed into nothing but molten rock debris after Bellroc perished.
- Staff: Bellroc's Staff was their source of fire magic. It was sliced in half by Jim with Excalibur (and received a scar in their eye in the process), but they were able to use one half to stab Jim in the abdomen to stagger him.
- Second Eyeballs: After their main eyes were blinded by Deya and the Sword of Daylight, Bellroc used their second pair of eyes on their large shoulder pouldrons to navigate their surroundings, especially when in battle.
- Main article: Bellroc/Relationships
- Main article: Bellroc/Quotes
Episode Appearances[]
Wizards | ||
"Spellbound" Appears |
"History in the Making" Absent | |
"Witch Hunt" Absent |
"Lady of the Lake" Appears | |
"Battle Royale" Appears |
"Killahead, Part One" Appears | |
"Killahead, Part Two" Appears |
"Wizard Underground" Appears | |
"Dragon's Den" Appears |
"Our Final Act" Appears |
- Bellroc was the final villain to be defeated in the entire franchise.
- When Deya permanently blinded Bellroc at the Battle of Killahead and Jim fatally stabbed them on their Fire Titan, Bellroc bled (and exploded into) lava.
- The decorations on Bellroc's armor resembled the face of a Rakshasa, a demon from Hindu mythology.
- Bellroc was an ancient primordial being whose voice was meant to evoke both masculine and feminine qualities, shifting between them.[1].
- Bellroc’s voice does seem to shift between a feminine voice (provided by Kay Bess) and a masculine one (provided by Piotr Michael). Bellroc’s voice is a sort of amalgam of both voices, mainly being the feminine one with a demonic undertone which occasionally rises to prominence and the feminine voice becomes a low undertone.
- In Rise of the Titans, Bellroc was referred to with gendered pronouns twice; Jim referred to Bellroc as "her" before the Guardians traveled up their Titan to battle them & Toby referred to Bellroc as "he" after their Titan was briefly beaten in battle by the Gun Robot. This may have just been an overenthusiastic wrestling reference though.
- As explained by Aaron Waltke on Discord, Bellroc's greatest fear was magickind being erased and forgotten from history.
- Of course, Bellroc never acknowledged this in Wizards nor Rise of the Titans. It could be implied that they were merely afraid of magickind living in peace and kindness with humanity, going against their views of magical dominance (by extensions, their own dominance over magic).
- According to Aaron Waltke on Discord, Bellroc's name was meant to evoke volcanic fire and molten rock.
- It can be assumed that parts of Bellroc's name was inspired by the arrogant Greek hero, "Bellerophon" with their names being almost identical to the sound.
- Some similarities may be seen, for example; as both Bellroc and Bellerophron were blinded.
- However, in Bellerophon's case, he was blinded by a thorn bush, while as Bellroc's main eyes were blinded by Deya with the use of the Sword of Daylight.
- Both have a large ego who think they are superior than others.
- Some similarities may be seen, for example; as both Bellroc and Bellerophron were blinded.
- In Bellroc's model sheet, they were previously named "Beelroc", which could possibly be a reference to the Sin of Gluttony, Beelzebub or Beelzebuth. The name Beelzebub is often derived from "Baal-Zebub," with "Baal" being a Semitic god of the ancient Near East. A possible stretch in a sense could involve seeing the "Bell" part of the name.
- The 'roc' in Bellroc's name may be a reference to the mythological bird "Roc". It's been said that part of the mythological creature's idea is the Indian solar bird, Garunda. The Roc symbolizes strength and formidable.
- This could be an inspiration for Bellroc's feather-coat and bird-like skull mask.
- It can be assumed that parts of Bellroc's name was inspired by the arrogant Greek hero, "Bellerophon" with their names being almost identical to the sound.