Arcadia Oaks-pedia

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Arcadia Oaks-pedia
Arcadia Oaks-pedia


"Why didn't you tell me you were trying out for Romeo and Juliet?"

"Chess, acting... It's like you have this entire secret life I know nothing about."

"Please, call me Barbara."

"I've never seen a teacher take such an interest before. And he has a point."

"Except that it's my job to take care of you."

"How about breakfast for dinner? Even I can't screw up an omelet."

"Mr. Strickler, he seems very nice. Is he single?"

"It sounded like you guys got along so well."

"Yeah, I really expected more from you."

"You have good friends. One even stayed by your side all night."

"You're young and you think you're invincible, but one of these days, you're gonna... find out you're not. We all do."

"Tell me what is happening to my son."

"I really like spending time with you."

"I'm sorry. Here I am on a date, going on about Jim's father."

"Guess I have the day off after all."

"Why is there an axe in the door?"

"There are good trolls and bad trolls... and somehow, you?"

"All those late nights, getting arrested, you in the hospital..."

"But who's gonna protect you?"

"No! He needs my help!"

"Are you really talking about our relationship right now?"

"Get away from my boy!"

"Where did you learn how to fight?"

"Even before you found this amulet... way before all of this... you were always my hero. My beautiful boy."

"You really shouldn't be putting yourself in danger like this. I'm your mother, I protect you."

"It is my job to worry, And it's not your job to protect me."

"Jim, promise me!"

"I just want you to know... there's nothing you can't share with me. Whatever it is, I can take it."

"Then he vanishes without a goodbye. What kind of Man is he does that?"

"The hospital and I agreed it might be best if, you know, I took a little time off"

"I still can't remember when we redecorated the house."

"I had this vivid dream last night and woke up with the urge to express myself. So, I'm painting."

" I think we can chalk this up as a case teenage-itis. This happens a lot."

"there are these creatures that live beneath us. It's not entirely clear in my head, but our kids are helping them and fighting them"

"Do all Troll knights let their mothers be humiliated?"

"We're parents. It's our duty to know if our children are in trouble."

"So, who wants coffe?"

"I believe in my child and I need you to believe in yours. We have to protect them the way they are, not the way we want them to be. We don't have ordinary kids."

"I know I this goes against every parental instinct. But we have to trust them, to protect not only us but the fate of the World."

"For Merlin's glory a sword of sunlight is mine to control!"

"You'd kill me in front of my son?"

"Uh, for the play we're putting on. Trollfighters"

"I never expected Merlin to be in my house."

"Ugh! You'll clean that mess up when you're done."

"You said it's dangerous alone. We're in this together."

"No! No, Walt! Please don't. My life is not worth the world!"

"Tell me exacly what you gave my son, or heaven help me, I will..."

"Walt, will I ever get my son back?"

"Okay? You can't run off like that. You had all us worried sick."

"Jim! Are you eaten the blender?"

"If every there was a time to worry, this is it."

"I knew this day would come.I just... never knew when."

"I hope you find what you're looking for."

"Not more than I love you, kiddo"
